
Provisioning And Compatible Hosted PBX Handsets

What is VoIP Phone Provisioning?

Most phones that are SIP compatible can work to some level with our system. However, if a phone cannot be provisioned with our service then we can only assist in a limited role in their configuration for any deployment and cannot accept any liability for any problems arising from their use. We take no responsibility for externally sourced hardware via third-party suppliers and cannot guarantee successful deployment and continued usage.

Auto-Provision can be done on following handsets:
Cisco | Linksys
300 PAP2T T19P SoundPoint IP300 GXV3240 Gigaset N510 IP Pro KX-UT123
320 SPA112 T20P SoundPoint IP301 GXV3275 Gigaset N300 IP Pro KX-UT133
360 SPA122 T21P SoundPoint IP320 GXP2130 KX-TGP500
370 SPA301 T22P SoundPoint IP321 GXP2140
710 SPA303 T23G SoundPoint IP330 GXP2160
720 SPA501G T26P SoundPoint IP331 GXP2170
760 SPA502G T28P SoundPoint IP335 GAC2500
820 SPA504G T32G SoundPoint IP430 GXP1610
821 SPA508G T38G SoundPoint IP450 GXP1620
870 SPA509G T40P SoundPoint IP500 GXP1625
D120 SPA512G T41PN SoundPoint IP501 GXP1628
D305 SPA514G T42GN SoundPoint IP550 GXP1630
D310 SPA525G T46GN SoundPoint IP560 HT802
D315 SPA525G2 T48GN SoundPoint IP650 GVC3203
D345 SPA-921 W52P VVX201
D710 SPA-922 VP530 VVX310
D712 SPA-941 CP860 VVX400
D715 SPA-942 VVX500
D725 SPA-962 VVX600
D765 SPA-2102
D785 CP 7811
M9  CP 7821
Meeting Point CP 8841
M700 CP 8851